The Retouching Series FAQ
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The actions for the course are in the “Fundamentals” module of the series. With it, you’ll be able to follow all of the videos in the series. They are designed to speed up your workflow without wasting time.
Yes. On each course page you will find the downloadable mp4 video file as well as any Student files downloads on the lower right portion of the page under “Downloads”.
Absolutely, I designed the course to be for all levels. In fact, the Fundamentals sections has a multitude of classes designed to get you up to speed on the tools you need to know. Even if you are familiar with them, it’s comprehensive enough for you to learn new things on how to use the tools better and faster! And if something isn’t there, I’ll definitely be listening to develop more.
I want this series to be for all levels. The techniques presented is designed to be applied by anyone. In my history with retouching on a high end commercial and editorial level, I packaged all the techniques I learned so that you can overcome issues you face in your daily workflow. I will also be listening to see what you want to know and continue to develop advanced classes as time goes on!
There is so much in this course from the continual updates, to the vast range of topics, to new techniques, that this platform is something that will continually grow. It also includes a portal to submit your problem images so the courses grow based on what you want to know. To see everything included and what makes this different than anything I’ve ever done, be sure to check out my thorough overview here:
Post in the Sue Bryce Education Facebook group and be sure to tag me, I’ll happy to answer when I can, along with the support of the amazing community otherwise!
Contact [email protected] for all account website technical issues. Someone will get back to you as quickly as possible.
I would highly recommend checking out the fundamentals section first. Even if you know the tools, there are specific ways of working with each tool and settings that are very important before going on to the rest of the series. I also talk about how to use actions and using a tablet.
After you are comfortable with those topics, I would then check out any of the problem areas you would like to know more about. They culminate all of the fundamentals to show you how to tackle them. Finally, check out the “Full Retouches” video to see what the workflow is like from start to finish! That way you can see what goes where.