The Location Lighting Series
by Felix Kunze
Inspired by Peter Lindbergh, Felix shows you how to shoot with a 3-sided black tunnel on-location to create negative fill and directional light. In this bonus segment, Felix goes over his process when shooting with this advanced setup to ultimately result in high-end looking portraiture.
Included in this Bundle:
4 Reviews
“Felix - Do you have a good source for Blackout Drapes/Cloth in the US ?”
Leon H.
“@Jose T.: On your first question about asking the model if she could see the front of the soft light: If she can see the front of the softbox/light, it means the model will be lit by the light. This is important when you feather the light to make sure the light hits the subject.”
Victor I.
“I really enjoyed this extra. I have shot on the beach with lighting in the past during my summer holiday, but I've never really understood how to create more sophisticated images like these. Thank you again Felix, I'll be putting these concepts in lighting into practice!”
Amy M.
“Really loved this bonus segment, would like to understand why Felix asked if the model would see the front of the light in the 1st video and also know how to retouch out the tunnel or would it be using a long lens?”