Product Card Template
Included in this Bundle:
This double-sided, 5.5” x 8.5” product and pricing card has a fully written price list that follows the Sue Bryce pricing model for wall portraits, folio boxes, and the 9-up portrait gallery. With a basic description of what’s included in a “Sue Bryce Style” portrait session. Four graphic content areas for placing images of your products and your reveal wall, studio, or portfolio image. Sized to print with MillerLab.com as a flat card with minimum orders of 25. Also, recommend printing with GotPrint.com with orders starting at 100 or more.
- Fully written price list.
- 4 placeholder images for pictures of your products and reveal wall.
- Instruction sheet for editing and printing.
*Fonts not included with template due to copyright.
Fonts can be purchased separately at MyFonts.com or use the fonts that match your existing logo when you edit the template for brand continuity.
(Download the version for the Program you want INDD or PSD.)
Adobe Photoshop documents compatible with versions CS4, CS5, CS6, and CC
Adobe InDesign document compatible with versions CS4, CS5, CS6, and CC